Humans Learning Machine Learning

We are a group of physics trainees at the University of Toronto who meet on weekly basis to learn new techniques and discuss recent topics in machine learning. Members take turns to teach new topics to the group, making the learning and teaching a collective process. If you're interested in joining, feel free to contact us at hlml.toronto@gmail.com. The group is open to all interested members of the UofT community.

Since the inception of the group, we've aimed to apply as much of what we learn into projects. They're instructive, fun and oftentimes comical...

Take a look at our GitHub to see the types of projects we've worked on.


Our upcoming and recent events. Refer to our schedule spreadsheet for the latest info.

If you use Google calendar, you can add our calendar by pressing the "Google Calendar" button at the bottom-right of this page.

If you use another calendar app, you can copy and paste this address into any calendar product that supports the iCal format.


The best way to learn is to do

Abstract Generator

A Transformer for writing scientific abstracts

We create a transformer model able to write a scientific abstract given a short prompt.

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Our first hackathon involved trying to diagnose a so-far undiagnoseable patient.

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A very gucci LSTM

Our first attempt at text generation was to train an LSTM on Lil Pump song lyrics.

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